A Cava (NYSE: CAVA) Food Illness Outbreak is Not a Black Swan, But a Pink Meatball: A Near…
Cava is unique among fast casual chain peers in how it prepares and cooks ground meat. Undercooked ground lamb meatballs, expansion into…
Cava is unique among fast casual chain peers in how it prepares and cooks ground meat. Undercooked ground lamb meatballs, expansion into…
Cava is headstrong on storefront growth at the cost of health and food safety standards, a combination that did not end well for Chipotle…
Disclosure: I have taken positions short the equity of Klaviyo (NYSE: KVYO).
Move fast and steal things?
September 25, 2023
Lessons from the Last Few Months of NRR Adventures on the Data Cloud
Why dbt Cloud Customers Should Betray Other dbt Cloud Customers in the Game Theory of SQL Bloat
Andreessen Horowitz and their VC cartel are setting up Pickett’s Charge of cloud data workloads. It’s up to you to hold the high ground.
Last month, on April 19, dbt Labs published “The Next Big Step Forwards for Analytics Engineering,” a rambling, jargon-laden puff piece…
Stop letting venture capital politics and consumption attribution games dictate how you design data infrastructure
A line in the sand is drawn. Imaginationland is on one side. Customers, the FTC, and hedge funds are on the other.
Data-in-a-box companies are going out of style like bell bottom jeans and mood rings. There are easier ways to manage your data.